Introduction The story of Europe begins... It took me a long time in preparation to get to Europe – a year full of paper work and dealing with visa problems that included getting declined once - so I’m not going to let my experiences slip away forgotten. This site contains the stories of my journeys as I trek through Europe. Good, bad, or evil, they are all worth the experience. An Engineering co-op work term posting at UBC by Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. of Germany opened the door for a full scale European experience. Heck, what better way to see Europe than to work and live there? To top it off, in Germany; home of the largest political controversies in the 20th Century. If you’re not excited by now, you need to see a specialist. For the rest of you, brace yourself. Wir fahren nach Deutchland (We're going to Germany). If your screen is too narrow to see the whole width of this page, click here. |