Where I Work

Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
A non profit company; they are the 2nd largest laser research center in Germany.

Hollerithallee 8
30419 Hannover

Phone: 0049-511-2788-0

Paul posing in front of the building. Doesn't he look really good in this picture?

Here's my supervisor, Vincent. He's not as crazy as he looks, but he takes safety very seriously. Word has it that Paparazzi took this picture at a night club.

This is the office that I work in. In the background are Vincent and Oliver. In the foreground is the computer that I use. We had up to 8 computers running in this office at the same time. Add to the fact that there's no A/C, it made for one hot summer.

Here's another view of LZH's building.

Check out Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.'s official website.

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